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Schedule a bike fit with Retül
Retül is our fitting service at Trek Bicycles of Highland Park


Fizik One to One Saddle Fitting

Professional Bike Fittings are by appointment only.

Please call for information on fittings if you feel you need the service for your bicycle.

Professional Bike Fitting

We offer three different levels of bike fitting. Each fit is designed to ensure that your bike is fit to you based on your cycling style, past injuries and future goals. We look forward to helping you maximize your performance on your bicycle and reach your goals.

Test-Ride Sizing

Locations offered: Zion Cyclery & Trek Highland Park


Our staff will help you find the right size bike for you. We will determine your riding style, establish if you have the correct stand-over clearance, establish seat height, back angle and reach. This may be done outside on a test ride or in our Fit Studio.

Fizik One to One Saddle Fitting

Location offered: Trek Highland Park

$100— 1 hour

Prior Bike Fitting Required

In order to build your perfect saddle, we must first gather the relevant data—and that means creating your personal pressure profile. Working with a proprietary pressure-mapping technology developed with the experts at gebioMized, we will lead through a dynamic fit session to identify your ideal saddle shape while highlighting pressure peaks, hotspots, imbalances, or instability.

Using your personal pressure profile and the Carbon Digital Light Synthesis™ process that powers Fizik's range of Adaptive 3D-printed saddles, Fizik will get to work, creating a one-of-a-kind saddle padding with functional comfort zones fine-tuned to meet your riding needs: firm where more support is required and soft where pressure-relief is the top priority. In short, Fizik builds your saddle.

Trek Highland Park

Call to Schedule

Professional Static Fit

Locations offered: Zion Cyclery & Trek Highland Park

$150 — 1½ hours

Our Professional Static Fit offers a comprehensive fit to meet your cycling needs. First we start off with a one-on-one interview to determine your cycling goals, review your current cycling training and talk about any past or present injuries. Next we do a full flexibility assessment and standing observation. Once this is complete, we will review all of the data we have and recommend any changes to your position.

Next we will put the bike on the trainer in the Fit Studio and have you ride. We will observe and make any adjustments needed. We will check the fore and aft position of the pedal/cleat interface using a level and plum bob, check handlebar drop and reach and seat fore and aft. We'll also check hip rotation and back angle. Finally, we will ask you how the changes feel and make any adjustments need.

Zion Cyclery or Trek Highland Park

Call to Schedule

Professional Dynamic Retül Fit

Location offered: Trek Highland Park

$350  — 2½ hours

Retül uses 3D technology to capture a rider’s position relative to their pedaling motion, creating a realistic replication of the pedal stroke and body position on the road or trails. Unlike static bike fits or video analysis, Retül’s 3D views reveal precise biomechanics during pedaling, allowing the fitter to observe dynamic mechanics like knee extension and wobble. The data provided helps the fitter make informed adjustments to the bike, cyclist, and equipment.

Fit Process:

  1. Interview.

  2. Anatomical LED Markers

  3. Data Synchronization

  4. Digitization and Report

Trek Highland Park Only

Which Professional Bike Fitting is right for you?

Professional Static Fit

Measurements taken in a static position:

  • Seat height and reach with goniometer
  • Knee forward of foot with plum bob
  • Back angle with digital level
  • Cleat placement with jig for appropriate cleat

Reasons to choose a Professional Static Fit

  • Short Rides, Low intensity
  • First road bike
  • No pain issues
  • Budget friendly

Professional Dynamic Retül Fit

Incorporates active motion capture, performed while you are riding your bike.

  • Retul 3D technology
  • Knee travel visibility
  • 8 infrared sensors flashing 476 times a second
  • Full body measurements every 34 milliseconds
  • Measurements are to the degree and mm

Reasons to choose a Professional Dynamic Retul Fit

  • Measuring while riding gives you the most accurate data.
  • Hip angle, knee forward and other measurements are
    hard to measure statically.
  • Injuries or pain
  • Long rides, high intensity
  • Physical imbalances

What do you need to bring to your fit appointment?

  • Cycling clothing — you will get the most accurate fit if you are wearing clothes that you normally wear on the bike.
  • Cycling shoes 
  • Your bicycle 
  • Optional — any saddles, seat posts, stems, etc., you have for your bike that you have or have wanted to try out. Do not feel obligated to bring these items as we will have all of the equipment you will possibly need if we find that you need a different size-length-angle-component.

Appointments & Hours

To schedule an appointment for a fitting please call or email the prefered store.

We do not always schedule fits on the weekend due to time and scheduling.